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            Barbara White

Genesis 2:24 Dunamis Center (GDC) also has a vision to focus on domestic and worldwide missions.

Mission work is outside of our church walls... in our community, our country and throughout our world.

I have been under the tutelage of many missions minded Christian men and women, while working alongside my brothers and sisters in Christ as we do missions, pray for missions and give to missions.

I have been part of written and executed visions for mission work through community organizations, career work, through my church and other churches.  In the past I have led or been a part of many mission visions, just to name a few:

  • Collecting/distributing hats, scarfs, and gloves for the homeless on the streets of Las Vegas  

  • worked with hotel workers who knitted warm hats for men, women, and children who lived in shelters with no other resources.  

  • Led and organized new shoes giveaway to community children during the massive layoffs of the 2020 pandemic along with church members and other concerned members of the community  

  • Provide suitcases, overnight bags, totes and backpacks to shelters for women and children in transition 

  • In 2021 during the ongoing Covid 19 virus I brought the need for children out of Rwanda, Africa through another Christian organization to GDC for monetary giving to help the poorest of poor

  •  In sponsorship of one child, aiding him, and his siblings in basic needs of clean water, medicine, education, food and a sense of self-esteem.

  • This child’s whole community benefits and they know Christ is the source.



      Director of Missions

As director of our mission outreach, l manage our mission projects in:

  • Feeding the hungry

  • Providing Clothes

  • Medicine

  • Education

  • Christian education to those in other countries as well as coordinate our correspondence with the children and families of those areas

  • Other resources to those in need



Our missions’ outreach will join and assist a Human Trafficking Awareness Event annually to bring awareness and knowledge to our community with Homeland Security and other law enforcement organizations in an effort to be witnesses for Christ and spread the gospel to eradicate the modern-day slavery.


Christian missions is following Christ’s call; sharing the gospel with the lost world through God’s wisdom and strength.


There are other mission outreaches here in our city, our country and our world that God will lead us to work in and work through.

Genesis 2:24 Dunamis Center will challenge Christian believers as well as our overall community to understand and be radically involved in missions.

In addition I am the author of “CAN YOU PRAISE ME NOW?”.



Barbara J. White

Barbara & Montone White

This is a great place to add a tagline.

•Montone and Barbara were introduced by a minister of Calvary Southern Baptist Church after asking them to be a teaching team in the adult Vacation Bible School in June of 2008.


•They became bible study partners, had in-depth discussion in the Word of God, lots of laughter and discovered each other’s love for the Lord and love for each other.


•Their values relating to family is love, laughter and sharing, including big family holiday celebrations.


•Surrounded by parents, siblings, grandchildren, cousins, friends and church family,  Barbara and Montone were married September 1, 2008, at Calvary Baptist Church by Montone’s father Pastor John Nettles.  Together they have three children and two grandchildren.  This year September 1, 2021, would have made thirteen years of marriage.


•Montone  earned a Masters degree and was a Youth Mentor to teens.

•They were both active in Church until Montone was called home to be with the Lord:

•Montone was the Youth Pastor, Director of B.C.B.C. Men’s Ministry and was previously the Chairman of the Deacon Board.

•Montone was the Director and Barbara was Co-Director of the Commitment Counselor Ministry.

•Barbara was the Director of (WMU) Woman Missionary Unity

•They have been members of the Marriage & Family Ministry Team since 2015.

•Barbara is now the Missions Director of Genesis 2:24 Dunamis Center.

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